
More about the bat...

We found Nosferatu last night when our dog started going crazy.

She was sniffing around in our bedroom and, upon looking in our garbage can, backed up and, with an alert mannerism, started barking at it furiously.

When I looked in the can to see what was up, I found Nos lying in it. Needless to say, Nos was not amused; last night I saw him move for the first time. He was slowly moving his head from side to side as if to say, "what is that noisy creature?".

I have moved the garbage can up to the attic in hopes that Nos will go bat to sleeping on one of the rafters since the bat relocation people still have not called us back.


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A bat in our house

A friend of ours noticed a bat living in our attic a few weeks ago; he or she seemed to have been hibernating for the winter and we named him or her Nosferatu.

Nosferatu, or Nos for short, seemed quite content to hibernate in the attic until the smoke detector's battery started to die and the detector made a gawd-awful noise. The next morning when I went up to change the battery, Nos was gone.

Two days later, Katherine found Nos living in the corner of our guest room (which is where the picture above was taken). Two days after that, Nos had moved to the window frame - presumable because he needed to be cooler for hibernation.

Today when I went in to check on him (we have called a humane removal agency to take him somewhere other than our guest room as it seems to freak some people out), but he has apparently moved again; we are hoping he has moved back into the attic.

If we figure out where he went, I will post it here.


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